Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brayden + Ice Skating = Major bruises!!!

Last weekend we took Brayden ice skating for the first time.
It was truly the funniest thing that we had ever witnessed.

In the hour and a half that we were there, we probably only went around the rink 3 times.
Brayden fell about every 3 feet, but he continued to get back up and keep trying. I think he knew that he would get hot chocolate as his reward! It was a blast none the less!!!

We may have to find a new winter Olympic sport to start training for.
Let's just say that we don't have a Scott Hamilton or Apollo Anton Ohno on our hands.

Mike showing off his MAD ice skating skills!!!


The Keelers said...

Megan these are great pictures!! What kind of camera are you using? (I think you got a new one for Christmas but I might be mistaken) Looks like so much fun!

The Keelers said...

Oh PS: I am going to check with my mother-in-law and see who made the blocks and if she would make you a set. I'll get back to you :)

MaryBeth said...

How fun! It ALMOST makes me want to move someplace where you can find ice.

Johnsons Away said...

I love the pictures! Bryaden is such a cutie. Glad you guys had fun. I didn't Mike could skate, I guess there isn't much he can't do :)

Sunderman Family said...

How fun!!!

Jenelia said...

Really I love the pictures.
nice post........

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Harish Singh said...

I love all the pictures, I really enjoyed this topic, awesome stuff!

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