Monday, June 8, 2009


Our first season of playing tee-ball was a fantastic one to say the least. We were able to survive the season with only one injury and the desire to come back next year and play again.

Brayden's skills improved immensely. He had a great coach and by the end of the season every one of the kids were hitting off him and not the tee. He also had them sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game after every game and practice, which was my favorite.

We did have our off moments though. On team picture night, right before pictures (of course!), Brayden got hit in hit face with an aluminum bat. The bat hit him in the mouth and caused his teeth to puncture his lip. We had blood everywhere! It was all over his white pants, shirt, hands and face. Lets just say that those pictures are classic! The poor kid has a fat lip, blood all over his clothes and a dazed look on his face. That picture will forever be proudly displayed in our home.

Some of my favorite times watching Brayden was when he would get bored and pick the grass. He would make giant piles out of it and occasionally throw it at the other kids. We would also catch him drawing in the dirt. Classic Brayden!

It was so exciting to our little Bray-Bug play the sport that Mike and I love so much. I hope that he grows up with a love of the game and the desire to continue to play - because it makes for some great entertainment!

1 comment:

Jen Johnson said...

SO CUTE! I'm sad I didn't get to come to any of the games! :( I guess I will be able to catch next year though! I won't have a new born! We love you!

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